Police and Crime Commissioners

17/10/2012 22:05


Police and Crime Commissioners


The Police and Crime Commissioners are the latest government scheme to make communities safer. The public elected PCC’s will replace the old police authorities and have the power to hold the police force to account, have a decisive say in the police plan and decide the police budget and allocation.

The PCC’s will not run the day to day work of the police force of their area of jurisdiction, that will be left to the Chief Constables. However those Chief Constables will be appointed and fired by the PCC and hold them to account for the crime records. And stand up for the public and victims of crime. They aim to be ‘Warriors’ against crime, leading the way to a safer Britain.

On a salary of £70,000 the PCC’s will come from a variety of backgrounds. Although Labour have dismissed the ideas as worthless, it is Labours Lord Prescott who has emerged with much enthusiasm for the idea. He will be running for his area of Humberside.

The new scheme is an attempt ‘Decentralise’ police power from Whitehall, with 41 PCC positions to be created, as well as democratise the police force. However the police worry that politics is trying to entwine itself into police issues. Elections for your local Police and Crime Commissioner will be held on the Thursday 15th November 2012.

By Philip Marks




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